Patrizia design and weave sculptural contemporary pieces in willow, more traditional baskets for the home and seatings in rush, cane and Danish cord.
She moved to London in 2013, originally hailing from Milan, Italy.
Her work celebrates craftsmanship and simplicity, while expressing the energy of the natural world within essential forms. Being enchanted by lightness and transparency, she creates minimal structures and weave on these just enough to hold the shape in place.
Her baskets capture movement and rhythm within a still form, and this dynamic quality gives each piece a personality of their own, and presence within the spaces they inhabit.
She mainly weaves with scented willow from Somerset Levels, enjoying the meditative slow rhythm of the process which is for her a great part of its charm.
She trained at City Lit in London and with a number of well-known English master basketmakers who taught her the heritage techniques she relies on to make her contemporary baskets.