
Make a difference
Help talent succeed

Why donate? 

Cockpit helps makers build careers. With your support, we can empower the next generation.

Setting out on a creative career is brave. No matter how talented you are, it takes time to build a business, and it takes guts to set up on your own. Soaring costs mean creative careers risk being open only to those already privileged.

That’s where Cockpit steps in. Every year, Cockpit raises £200,000 to help talented young people in the fragile early stages of business. The benefits are tangible and the results are real.

Donate now to make a difference for the most exciting new voices in craft.

“I want to support young makers and I love the way Cockpit nurtures both their artistic and business development.”

Jillian Barker, Education professional and Supporter

Become a Supporter

Would you like the chance to go behind the scenes with our incredible makers? Join Cockpit’s lively community of supporters.

Supporters get to see how makers work, discuss their creative process, and be the first to see their latest pieces, up close – all while helping to secure the futures of UK’s brightest craft talent.

I’d been impressed by the vibrant community of makers built up by Cockpit. The support given to individual makers is invaluable and I really wanted to contribute to that.”

David Robinson, Patron

These levels of Cockpit support comprise a benefits value which is the actual cost to Cockpit to deliver the relevant benefits: Friend+ (£50), Champion (£100) and Patron (£150). These benefits can be purchased separately at this price by contacting Sandie Mattioli. Any amounts given over and above the benefits value are given freely as a donation and are eligible for Gift Aid.

Our current supporters

I am delighted that our grant has been used not only to support new apprentices, but also to raise awareness and aspirations amongst young people. You are an object lesson in getting the maximum value from a grant!”

Andy Mellows, Head of Charities at The Drapers’ Company


We are grateful to all our supporters, with special thanks to the following individuals and organisations for their continued generosity.

Cockpit Patrons

John & Marianne Adey
Preston Fitzgerald & Cedric Smith
Patricia Godfrey
Jill Humphrey
Davina Mallinckrodt
David Robinson
Margaret Tomlin & Ian Synge

Cockpit Champions

Susan Charles
Jake Emmett & Rob Caunt
Erin Walls
Dr Veronica White

Cockpit Friends+

Sarah Burgess
Christiane Dickens
Catherine Dyson
Sian Evans
Lynn Foster
Sam Fry
Tim Johnson
Tina Mabey
Sandie & Daniel Mattioli

Wendy Morris
Frances Ray
Jennifer Rubin
Charlotte Simm
Annie Warburton

And those who wish to remain anonymous

Trusts and Foundations

The Arts Society
The Arts Society GLA
Bagri Foundation
British Council
The Clothworkers’ Company
The John S Cohen Foundations
The D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
The Drapers' Charitable Fund
The Dyers’ Company Charitable Trust
Garfield Weston Foundation
The Haberdashers’ Company
Harriet’s Trust
The Leathersellers’ Foundation
Lewisham Council
Marsh Charitable Trust
The Needlemakers’ Company
The Newby Trust

The Radcliffe Trust
The Schroder Foundation
S.H.A Charitable Trust
The Swire Charitable Trust
The Worshipful Company of Basketmakers
The Worshipful Company of Broderers
The Worshipful Company of Feltmakers
The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London
The Worshipful Company of Turners

Supported by Camden Council Culture Service with funding from the Cultural Education and Learning Support Fund

Deptford Capital & Public Art Commission Funders

City Bridge Trust
The Clothworkers’ Company
Cockayne – Grants for the Arts
The Drapers’ Charitable Fund
Foyle Foundation
Garfield Weston Foundation
The Haberdashers’ Company
The Leathersellers' Foundation
Lewisham Council

The London Community Foundation
The Mila Charitable Organisation
STRIDE (Corporation of London)
Thames Water
The Worshipful Company of Turners

All those who contributed to our Art Happens crowdfunding campaign

ALMAW Award Funders

Dr Veronica White and Maureen White

Make It Support

Prue MacLeod

Corporate Support

Clear Insurance Management Ltd
Deutsche Bank


Champagne Gosset
Louis Latour wines

Can we stay in touch?

If you would like to hear about the latest news, events and opportunities to support Cockpit and our community of makers, please let us know how we can stay in touch by checking the relevant boxes when you complete any of the forms above. You can also sign up to our newsletter here.

We will never share your details and promise to keep them safe and secure. You can learn how we use and store your data in our Privacy Policy.

Our commitment to fundraising integrity

Cockpit is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and follows the Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice.

We are committed to practice that is open, honest and respectful. You can read our Ethical Policy and Complaints Procedure below: