Michaela Johnston



Michaela is a site-specific material designer that specialises in weave. Before starting her MA in Material Futures, she trained to be a weaver, spinner and natural dyer, with a process-based approach to making, investigating each element of production. Her work then developed to explore how her position as a maker and designer can change the way we consume and interact with our planets resources.
Sustainability and material circularity is important to her process, and she has a deep respect for the environments we interact with, and a commitment to community and living systems. Collaborating with her environments from fibre to fabric and creating site specific woven material she immerses herself within a space on a deeper level by foraging, cutting, burying, washing, retting, dying and weaving. This way of working allowed her to consider how nature is a catalyst for creative inspiration and material ability.


    • Winner of Clothworkers’ Award 2023