A joyful return to Cockpit


As days grow shorter and nights darker, at this time of year we turn towards the light of human connection. As Cockpit opens for the first time in two years for winter open studios, that means being lit up by the joy of coming back together after too long apart.

Most of the year, a maker’s studio is private space. Rightly so. It’s a place to go deep with work. Away from distractions, the silence of the imagination works its magic.

But the gifts of the imagination are not destined to be hidden. They are meant to be shared. And Cockpit Makers’ Market is the moment that we open to welcome guests and show the extraordinary work made behind closed doors.

I never stop being amazed by the incandescent talent of each maker at Cockpit. They have worked so hard to prepare for the open studios starting this weekend. I’m humbled by their dedication and awed by their skill and creative imagination. And I can’t wait to share it with you.

In the dopamine rush of Black Friday deals, it’s easy to be seduced into bargain buying. But the bubble soon bursts and it’s nothing but the quick fix satisfaction of fast food or a social media ‘like’ that leaves us empty and craving more.

Craft offers something different, more soulful, more enriching, more nourishing. A visit to Cockpit is anything but ‘just shopping’. It’s a moment to connect, to take time, have conversations, be together. And to linger over choosing a gift made with heart, soul, care and imagination. A gift that will bring lasting pleasure. One that will light up your loved ones’ hearts.

Annie Warburton, Cockpit CEO.
